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Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Primary School

Hello & welcome to Our Lady Queen of Heaven (OLQOH) Catholic Primary School.

We are a two form entry school, set in Langley Green, Crawley, close to Gatwick Airport. We are proud of our rich community diversity, welcoming children & families from many different countries and faith backgrounds.Our Lady’s works closely with our Parish Team, as well as colleagues from the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton, West Sussex County Council and the Bosco Catholic Education Trust.We welcome visits to Our Lady’s, which can be booked via the Office Team.

  • 'Our Lady's is the most caring community, who always go the extra mile, with exceptional expectations of and for our children. Thank you to all of the Teachers and Support staff who make OLQOH such an exceptional place.'

Latest Updates

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Upcoming Events at OLQOH

There are currently no upcoming events.

House Points

  • Franciscan

  • Salesian

  • Vincentian

  • Benedictine

  • Notre Dame

Contact Us

Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Primary School, Hare Lane, Langley Green, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 7PZ