Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Primary School
Hare Lane
Langley Green
West Sussex
RH11 7PZ
01293 526057
Tobias Melia
Head Teacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Louise Burrows
Assistant Head Teacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Linda Kelly
Learning Mentor
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miriam Williams, Victoria Williams & Donna Tomlinson
WSCC LADO 0330 222 6450
Sally Arbuckle
OLQOH LA Safeguarding in Education Link Adviser
Contact Number for IFD
01403 229900
We regret that we do not offer on site parking to visitors due to limited parking space. There are plenty of spaces on Hare Lane, please make sure not to block resident’s drives or the school gates.
During the start and end of the school day we operate a voluntary one way system along Hare Lane (from Rushetts Road). This prevents congestion as traffic is mostly travelling in the same direction.