As a Catholic School, the provision of RE is inspected by the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton at least every 5 years. Our most recent Catholic School Inspection (CSI) took place in November 2019, with the school being graded as ‘outstanding’ by Inspectors. The full Inspection Report can be found at the bottom of this page.
Following our Section 5 Ofsted Inspection that took place in May 2016, OLQOH underwent a Section 8 inspection in December 2019. The full Inspection Report can be found at the bottom of this page.
We would appreciate feedback on how we are doing.
Please leave your comments on the Ofsted Parent View website.
Feedback can also be given in writing or verbally (senior staff are on duty before and after school each day and Mr Melia offers a weekly drop-in ‘surgery’ most Thursdays between 3.30pm and 5pm).
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