Our School Development Plan (SDP) contains a wealth of information assessing how well we are performing as a school, what our long term strategic priorities are and details of activities that we are undertaking to help improve provision throughout the academic year. It was written by staff, children, parents and Governors, supported by Trust, Diocesan and LA colleagues, and is a working document. At the heart of the SDP is the vision that EVERY CHILD MATTERS and a determination to be the very best we can be; ‘Better Never Stops’. Underpinning all of this are is our Mission; ‘Listen, Love, Learn’.
The SDP is a critical document for the continued success of OLQOH and belongs to us all. We welcome feedback, comments and thoughts on the current SDP, together with suggestions for actions you would like included in the 2024/25 SDP.
Key SDP Priorities for 2024/25 include:
A full copy of the SDP is available on request. Please speak to Mr Melia for more information (head@olqoh.com)
• To embed the Shining Lights tracking system to support leaders in capturing, evaluating and acting upon data across the curriculum.
• To fully embed the Path ways to Write programme.
• To develop the Speaking and Listening Curriculum.
• To work with stakeholders and partner agencies to reduce persistent abuse.
• To foster children's resilience, determination and ambition (including pupils with SEND and disadvantaged children.
• To develop stakeholder's understanding of contextual safeguarding, and how effective delivery of the curriculum, and consistent use of systems, improve outcomes for all.
• To ensure the consistent application of evidence based best practice and strategies to nature children's independence.
• To develop systems and processes, including the ways in which data is collated and used, to support autonomous leadership across the subject.
• To support Class Teachers in effectively adapting all areas of the Curriculum.
• To ensure that K&U captured in EYFS is effectively used by Year 1 colleagues to deliver better transition between the EYFS Curriculum and the National Curriculum
• To support Staff to improve outcomes across the EYFS curriculum including in relation to writing, communication and physical development