At Our Lady Queen of Heaven, we believe in a curriculum that underpins and promotes.
The school’s culture and aims - a curriculum for the whole child.
Pope Benedict XVI, 2010
At Our Lady Queen of Heaven, our school’s curriculum stems from our Mission Statement:
“We are inspired, strengthened and encouraged by our Catholic faith.
We place Jesus at the centre of everything we do and say, listening to Him with our hearts.
We spread love everywhere we go, valuing and caring for each other.
We strive to be the best learners we can, using and celebrating our God given gifts.”
Luke 1: 49
“We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves.”
Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate
“Love one another as I have loved you.”
John 13: 34 – 25
“Each one, as a good manager of God’s different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gift he has received from God”
1 Peter 4:10
As a Catholic school, Religious Education is at the heart of all that we do and is the core of our curriculum. We place RE at the centre of our Catholic school to help us fulfil our mission to educate the whole child. Within our curriculum we strive for excellence, ‘Getting Better Never Stops’, as we prepare our learners to be citizens of our school, our local community and of the world. To enable our learners to achieve their best, we ensure that they receive high levels of literacy and numeracy. In recognition of RE as a core subject in our school, we follow the diocesan recommended curriculum scheme. Through our commitment to educate the whole child, we understand the importance of working in partnership with parents and recognise that parents are the primary educators of the faith and we support their decisions and choices, working closely with the local parish and community building and embedding links. Working alongside our parish and our local community we strive to develop an ethos of serving both individuals and society and incorporate our learners understanding of charity and our on going service through enrichment. Within our curriculum, as a school, we recognise that foundation subjects are exceptionally important and exciting, providing key-learning experiences for our learners and are fully embedded in our curriculum.
The planning of our curriculum takes into consideration the wide social and economic backgrounds of all of our learners and their families. The design of our curriculum enables learners to enhance their awareness and understanding of different cultures, practices and beliefs through the provision of a range of learning experiences and teaching opportunities. Incorporated into teaching and learning activities, as a school we promote British Values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs, ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as a UK citizen.
Throughout all-of-the curriculum, we demonstrate that the learner’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding. We enable learners to develop and deepen their thinking, challenging themselves and others. Within teaching, learners are encouraged to develop their understanding of the world around them: they are able to empathise with the feelings of others; the actions of those around them and to understand and appreciate the views and beliefs of others as well as their own.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure deep learning takes place, with focus made on extending those who are working at a greater depth within the curriculum areas. A key focus is engagement of Academically More-Able learners initiating the direction of the units of study, particularly in the foundation subjects along with breadth and balance. Introduction of the concept of the ‘Challenge Curriculum’ encourages staff to question and extend learners thinking, giving them the opportunity to reflect on and review their learning. Learners are provided with activities to master the skills and knowledge for their learning working at a greater depth.
Teaching staff review medium-term planning to ensure topics are relevant to the learner’s interests and needs. All topics include an exciting initial activity; experience or event to gain excitement and enthusiasm for the topic and work builds towards a desired outcome to complete the learning experience.
High quality learning experiences, both inside and outside the classroom are a main focus of our curriculum, which is designed to encourage learners to make links between the different areas of the curriculum they are learning about and apply the skills they are continuously developing. All learners are entitled to and access a broad, balanced and rich learning experience, which allows them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through a range of well-planned activities.
Through the provision of a well thought-through and planned curriculum, we provide a wide range of activities and opportunities for our learners in and outside of the classroom. We strive to educate the whole child and shape learners to become: confident, creative, self-motivated, questioning, risk takers and ambitious.
Whilst due consideration is taken to the progress measures from starting points as an evaluative output measure, the full impact of curriculum is evaluated in a holistic way. The overall richness, breadth and balance of the curriculum is shown in learners’ books; by levels of engagement in lessons; by how well learners can articulate the depth of their learning across all aspects of the curriculum and; in relation to how learners ‘character’ is developed.
We ensure that learners are regularly assessed, using formative and summative assessments, against the relevant frameworks across the breadth of the curriculum. Teachers use a range of feedback strategies in class and learners are very familiar and confident using self and peer assessment strategies. Further information about assessment can be found in our Assessment Policy.
OLQOH seeks to provide all learners, including those who are disadvantaged and those with SEND, with the skills needed to keep themselves safe, as well as the knowledge of how to access support if and when needed. This includes working with partner agencies such as the NSPCC and delivery of the RSE Curriculum designed by the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton.
Wherever relevant and possible, our curriculum is enriched with workshops, visiting speakers, special events and educational trips. Examples of this include (this list is just a small sample of the many exciting things within our curriculum)