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  • SEND

    The Inclusion Team

    Megan Kerrigan


    Linda Kelly

    Learning Mentor & Emotional Literacy Support Assistant

    Tonya Tynan

    Inclusion Governor

    Kristina Foote

    Eal Key Worker & Librarian

    The Special Needs Support Team

    Many pupils have a need for extra support at some stage during their school life. The support they need may be academic, social or emotional.

    The inclusion team works in partnership with class teachers, parents and the learning mentor, to help pupils build on their strengths and ensure they can access the curriculum to the best of their ability.

    What do we do:

    • Support Class Teachers in identifying and assessing specific difficulties a pupil may have, and in delivering individual or group programmes of work and interventions.
    • Keep a support register of pupils who receive support in school or from other agencies such as Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Educational Psychologists.
    • Monitor and evaluate programmes and interventions, enabling us to assess whether any further help is needed.
    • Seek advice and support from professionals from outside school such as Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, Behaviour Support Specialists and colleagues from the NHS.

    The Local Offer

    Information included in Local Offer (SEN Information Report)

    When the Children and Families Bill becomes enacted in 2014, local authorities will be required to publish information online about all services for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) aged 0 – 25. This is the Local Offer.

    The Local Offer will provide accurate and easy to understand information for parents, carers and young people about what services are available and how they can access them.

    The Local Offer must include information about the services that we believe will normally be available in Sussex.

    This will include:

    • Education, health and care provision
    • Arrangements for identifying and assessing children and young people with SEN
    • How services are accessed (including eligibility criteria) and how decisions are made
    • Arrangements for supporting children and young people move between school phases
    • Services to support young people in preparing for adulthood and independence
    • Arrangements for disagreement resolution, complaints, mediation and appealing to the SEN Tribunal Sources of support, advice and information
    • Information for feedback and review of the Local Offer

    Our Lady’s Local Offer can be found by clicking the link below (as can our SEND Policy).  For more information, please contact our SENCO, Megan Kerrigan ( 

    West Sussex Local Offer

    SEND IAS - Parent Partnership

    Related Pages:

    The West Sussex SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (previously known as Parent Partnership) provides impartial information, advice and support to Parents and Carers of children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.

    Contact the SEND IAS Service:
    Helpline – 03302 228 555
    Email – 

    SEND Websites

    Local Offer


    Autism Sussex

    National Autistic Society