Below are our standard terms & conditions that we share with stakeholders joining the community of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Primary School.
Please read all documents carefully as we require Parents and Carers to acknowledge that they have read, understood and agree to the policies and procedures of our school.
Policies are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they remain effective and that OLQOH meets all of its statutory obligations.
For more information on our Terms & Conditions, please email
Supervised by staff and volunteers, pupils may periodically visit the Church, local shops, and other places of note & interest within the locality. Local visits, for example to allotments, may also, on occasion, provide an opportunity for children to try new foods. Visits that involve transport will always require written consent or consent via ParentMail.
Like all schools, OLQOH uses children's images to assess and record pupil progress & attainment e.g. during practical science lessons, as well as to celebrate events and successes throughout the year e.g. during Sports Day and at special events.
Most images are not published 'externally', but there are occasions when photographs may be shared with wider stakeholder groups, for example in the weekly School Newsletter and on the school website as well as on the occasions where OLQOH featured in the local press. Published images of past or present pupils are never named and Parents and Carers will always be notified if their child's image is to be used by an external organisation such as the local newspaper.
Each year, OLQOH Teachers will spend time with Classes reviewing expected behaviours when using IT equipment in school. In addition, the school participates in the annual eSafety Day, working with children to develop and embed safe and sensible habits when accessing the Internet at home.
OLQOH takes every reasonable precaution to maintain online safety including the use of monitoring and filtering software and reserves the right to restrict access to IT equipment and systems in the event of inappropriate use. Parents & Carers will be contacted by staff in the event of concerns being raised in relation to the online behaviour of any pupil and are asked to actively encourage and support the work of OLQOH by reinforcing sensible and appropriate eSafety guidance at home.
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Primary School holds and uses personal data about you and your child. The School’s Privacy Notice is a statement that discloses how we collect, use, disclose and manage this data. It provides transparency about how we will use your data. The Privacy Notice can be found at the bottom of this webpage.
Parents and Carers are asked to confirm that you have received, read, understood and consent to the contents of the OLQOH Privacy Notice [April 2019] (including in relation to the use of pupil photographs). This document complies with the Data Protection Policy (available on the School’s website) and the General Data Protection Regulations. The school's full Data Protection Policy can be found below).
Should you wish to withdraw consent, you will need to contact the School Office or emailing
Our Lady's requires children to comply with all requirements in relation to the school's uniform and haircut policy, including the wearing of jewellery. The Uniform Policy can be found below.
The HSA for OLQOH can be downloaded below. It outlines expectations of all stakeholders, including staff, children and parents.
Governor Fund Contribution. OLQOH is a Voluntary Aided School (a status that applies to all Church Schools). This means that we are not fully funded by the Government re building upkeep. Consequently, we request that each family makes a contribution of £30 per annum, please, to the Governor Fund, in order to assist us in maintaining a pleasant and safe learning environment for the children.
Parents and Carers can contribute via Standing Order. Parents and Carers can also pay their annual contribution by card, via the ‘shop’ section on ParentMail. Please enter the amount you wish to pay in your cart ‘amount to pay now’ (£30 recommended per family, please). If you need any further help with this, please speak to the School Office.
Governor Fund Contributions can be Gift Aided which means OLQOH can claim back an additional 25p for every £1 donated. If you are a tax payer, please remember to fill this section in on either ParentMail or the Gift Aid form (attached to the bottom of this webpage).
For more information, please contact the School Business Manager by emailing