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  • Learning Mentorship

    Hello & Welcome

    Miss Kelly writes…

    As a Learning Mentor I work alongside teachers, parents, carers and others in supporting and helping children overcome non–academic barriers to learning. I work with children in school who have problems or concerns which stop them from learning as well as they could. This is usually for a set time but sometimes my support can be extended until they have overcome their problems. This work is usually a one to one basis or with small groups of pupils. The aim is always to try to meet the needs of each individual child.

    Some of the problems I can help families with include:

    • Punctuality and absence, Bullying, Challenging behaviour, Abuse, Bereavement, Difficulties at home, Anger management, Confidence and self-esteem issues, Social and communication skills and Emotional problems.
    • Most important of all, a Learning Mentor is a professional friend to both the child and their parents or carers.
    • Communication between parents or carers and school is vitally important; as Learning Mentor I will support parents and carers in building an effective relationship with the school.

    If you think your child would benefit from support please email me on