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  • Pupil Premium

    Pupil Premium Funding:

    (meeting the educational needs of disadvantaged children)

    The aim of the Government Pupil Premium (PP) is to raise achievement among pupils in the following categories who receive or are entitled to Free School Meals, children in care (Looked After Children) and children with parents in the Armed Forces.

    The funding is used to enable an education which will increase life choices for children who fall into one of the three categories above, enabling them to have more choices in further education and later careers. Children will be supported to attain and progress well, reducing any gap between high and low income families.

    We have a range of strategies and programmes to support all our children with additional strategies for children identified as being in receipt of the “pupil premium” when they are needed.

    The impact of PP Funding is reviewed each term, led by Senior Leader Annabel Jannece.

    Guiding Principles

    Pupil premium funding is spent on pupil premium (PP) children
    Our policy is shared with parents and is available online
    All pupils in the PP group must be considered for support to raise attainment or other factors which could lay the foundation for future learning
    Consistent high quality support is monitored by the school, avoiding wastage of precious financial resources
    Activities are evaluated for impact by the school on a regular basis
    Success criteria are set for each child on PP activities
    Focused feedback is given to pupils, through target cards showing a clear way to improve further
    Our PP Coordinator has a clear overview of how funding is being allocated and the difference it is making to the outcomes for pupils
    All our staff are aware of pupils receiving the PP and how funding is being spent
    We track the attainment and progress of each PP child on a termly basis
    We have a range of strategies and each child is considered for each strategy
    A Governor is responsible for feeding back to the full Governing Body about the implementation of the PP programme

    Stakeholder Involvement

    The PP Coordinator (Annabel Jannece) reports to Governors each term (see below, together with our PP Policy) how PP monies have been spent and the impact of actions taken.

    Governing Body

    Our PP Governor (Tonya Tynan) reports to the Governing Body.


    Parents informed of progress via Parent Teacher meetings and through the end of year reports.


    Evaluation discussions/viewpoint questionnaires are set as appropriate.


    PP children are discussed during Pupil Progress Meetings and performance management reviews.

    Pupil Premium Information 

    Department of Education